How to Use the Press Release Template in Microsoft Word

Do you want to write a press release but need a structured sample you can use as a template?

Read on to learn how easy it can be to use a Microsoft word press release template to promote your business’s marketing efforts.

Recommended: We recommend eReleases if you want a well-written and widely distributed press release to help funnel in more customers and increase revenue for your business.

Woman creating a template for a press release using Microsoft word


Only Perfect Press Releases Can Achieve Goals

Whether you plan to target journals, newspapers, or broadcast media, the purpose of a press release is to clearly communicate what your organization did or accomplished. This information can then increase your business’s visibility and, ultimately, improve its brand awareness.

With more than 30 million small and large businesses in the United States and every business trying to gain a competitive edge across traditional and online platforms, press releases represent an integral marketing tool.

The ever-increasing number of online users also highlights society’s growing appetite for information. In fact, studies indicate that more than 80 million people globally seek insights and stories on the internet. For this reason, marketers understand the importance of trying to push their brand stories to the top of online search results pages.

Yet, the small number of professional journalists can’t process the thousands of press releases issued every day. As a result, they tend to ignore the many releases that fail to meet some basic requirements. 

Reporters may reject your press release for any of the following reasons:

  • It’s poorly written and structured.
  • Its content isn’t newsworthy.
  • It doesn’t include contact information.
  • It uses the wrong format and/or is difficult to share.
  • It reads like spam.
Read our Best Press Release Distribution Service 2021 review to find the right press release distribution for your business’s specific needs.

Benefits of the Microsoft Word Press Release Template

The press release template in Microsoft Word can help you structure your content in a professional way. With public relations (PR) professionals trying to outshine each other, only those with clear guidance can increase their chances of success.

No matter how well you write your press release, failure to include key features like contact information and easy-to-copy material may render it unworthy in the eyes of a reporter. Every journalist wants perfect — or near-perfect — content about an important topic that they can easily share on different channels.

Creating a compelling press release shouldn’t prove challenging — especially if you have a template to follow. With the Microsoft Word template, you only need to adjust the font, as desired, and then start writing.

Key Benefits of the Microsoft Word Press Release Template:

  • Its format helps you share details about your brand, including product reviews and availability.
  • It enables you to provide contact information in a structured and professional way.
  • It’s easily shareable, making journalists’ work easier.
  • It’s free yet developed by experts.

What You Should Know About Press Releases

Despite the easy-to-use nature of the Microsoft Word press release template, it doesn’t guarantee marketing success. Why? You must still adhere to other writing best practices to make your release newsworthy and help it avoid the rejection pile.

Remember, press release distribution services, print publications, and internet news portals also have strict editors with expertise in the English language, Associated Press style guidelines, and tone. These busy professionals don’t have time to fix press releases with quality issues. 

Tips to Prevent Rejection of Your Release:

  •  Aim for a maximum length of two pages (i.e., 400 to 500 words).
  • Always write in the third person, avoiding the words “I,” “we,” and “you.”
  • Include a succinct, yet engaging, headline formatted in a bold font.
  • Add a subhead in an italic font to provide additional information.
  • Use standard fonts, such as Times New Roman® or Calibri.
  • Target the right distribution channel for the release’s content.
  • Answer all five essential questions: Who, what, when, where, and why?

How to Write a Press Release Using the Microsoft Word Template

You can easily download the press release template from Microsoft® Word online. You can then delete and replace the template sections with your release’s specific information. Make sure all the information you include is accurate, straight to the point, and representative of your brand.

Follow These Steps to Write a Press Release Using the Microsoft Word template:

  1. Insert your company/business logo at the top of the template, as indicated, for consistency and to grab readers’ attention.
  2. Add a date in the top left corner of the template to inform journalists about the timeliness of the announcement. A current date means they can cover the release’s content immediately. In contrast, a future date tells reporters you won’t publicly distribute the release until that time but want to give them an advance look under embargo. (Note: Not all reporters honor embargos so carefully consider with whom you share an advance copy of your release to avoid coverage appearing before its public distribution.)
  3. Provide your contact information in the top right corner of the template just below the company logo to enable journalists to reach out in case of any follow-up questions. At a minimum, include your name, phone number, and email address. If desired, you also can provide additional channels like your social media handle or chat program username.
  4. Create a captivating, factual, and engaging headline. This should provide a brief summary of the news you want to share. But, avoid clickbait headlines and instead use your headline to succinctly explain why your news is worth reading.
  5.  Add a subhead that expands on your headline and encourages reporters to continue reading.
  6. Start an introductory — or “lede” — paragraph with the location of the news in this format: (City, State). This should indicate the location of your business.
  7. Complete the lede paragraph with factual, yet engaging, answers to the five essential questions: Who, what, when, where, and why?
  8. Write the body of your press release, incorporating and explaining key information about your news in descending order of importance. This section might include downloadable screenshots and videos or other visual assets that can enhance the release’s appeal to journalists and their readers.
  9. Insert a short overview of your business — also called boilerplate language — at the end of the template. This ensures journalists don’t have to waste time researching accurate information about your business if they opt to cover your news.

How to Make Your Press Release Newsworthy

While using a press release template will give your release a professional appearance, the news contained within the document is the most important part. When writing, you must identify a newsworthy approach to your content, eliminate fluff, and follow Associated Press style guidelines.

Identify a Newsworthy Approach for Your Release With the “TRUTH” model:

  • (T) Timeliness – Ask yourself if the news you want to share in your press release is old news, current news, or a future prediction. Is there another perspective to it, and how will it affect future events?
  • (R) Relevance – A press release’s newsworthiness increases when it relates to a media outlet’s target audience. Ask yourself, how does the story affect this specific group of people? What benefits does it provide?
  • (U) Uniqueness – Everyone loves a new or unusual story. What’s unique about your story, and how does it differ from the status quo?
  • (T) Trouble – Bad news typically attracts more attention than good news. But, businesses often avoid highlighting negative aspects of their brands. Instead, try to frame your story in a way that explains how your new product, partnership, or event will help people address a specific challenge.
  • (H) Humane – Put your reader’s interests at the heart of your press release instead of the products or services you offer. You can even involve famous individuals to help attract media attention. Ask yourself who’s involved in the story you want to tell and why are they interested in your business?

Final Recap

A press release represents an official form of communication from a company regarding a particular topic of interest. When used correctly, it can help boost a company’s visibility and brand awareness. 

The Microsoft Word press release template provides guidelines for writing a perfectly structured press release, making it a great tool for beginners. But, as you follow the template’s structure, remember you must include truly newsworthy content to avoid rejection and achieve your intended communications goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the rules of writing a compelling press release in a Microsoft Word template?

When creating a press release with this template, take time to develop an attention-grabbing concept. Remember, a compelling press release should have a strong story. It also should have an engaging headline and subhead to capture the reader’s attention. Finally, it should include facts and figures based on research or expert sources. 

When should I send a press release?

A press release can come in handy whenever you have news to share with an external audience. Remember, journalists love covering new and unique stories. If you have breaking news regarding your business, then it may be an ideal time to issue a press release. Other types of news that may trigger a press release include product launches, new partnerships, awards, research findings, and even crisis management information.

Should I include quotes when writing my press release?

Yes! Quotes represent an essential part of any press release because they provide quick facts and comments a busy reporter can easily lift from your content when writing a story. That means quotes also can help increase the chances of a reporter covering your news. Just ensure journalists can easily copy and paste your quotes — a process made simple thanks to the Microsoft Word template.

Why should I write my press release in the third person?

When writing a press release, you must address the reporters and editors you want to persuade to cover your news — not your ultimate target audience. Only use the first or second person when quoting a third-party expert or someone from your organization. 

To avoid confusion, use words like “customers,” “users,” “people,” or your business’s name when referring to the company. For example, you should say, “XYZ, Ltd. formed a new partnership with ABC, Ltd. to provide essential services to customers” as opposed to “We have partnered with ABC Ltd to provide essential services to our customers.”

Should I hire a press release expert to write my story?

Given the availability of press release templates in Microsoft Word and other channels, hiring an expert isn’t necessary. But, it can certainly prove helpful. These professionals have experience in creating great press releases that can not only build your company’s reputation but also influence customers, investors, and business partners. They’ll work closely with your business to create press releases that communicate its brand personality. The fees typically associated with professional writing services are worth the money if you lack the proper writing expertise.

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What is a press release?